土肉桂 (Indigenous Cinnamon Tree) ,樟科。適合生長於亞熱帶及熱帶氣候。土肉桂的樹皮嚼之有辛辣的肉桂香味,可代替肉桂,樹皮及種子可提煉精油,可用於配置可樂等飲料。
Indigenous Cinnamon Tree, Cinnamomum. Suitable for growing in subtropical and tropical climates. The bark of earth cinnamon has a spicy flavor of cinnamon, which can replace cinnamon. The bark and seeds can be refined into essential oils, and can be used to configure cola and other beverages.
The bark of earth cinnamon has a spicy cinnamon flavor and can be used as a spice; roots, bark, branches, leaves and stem bark can be used for medicinal purposes; wood can be used for construction and utensils.
The plants are evergreen and beautiful in shape, and are often planted as landscape trees.