

Pepper コショウ

* 胡椒

胡椒屬的開花藤本植物,原產東南亞,生長在年降水量 2,500 毫米的熱帶地區,生長期中間還需要一段乾熱的間隔時間,印度尼西亞、印度、馬來西亞、斯里蘭卡以及巴西等是胡椒的主要出口國。


Pepper genus of flowering vines, native to Southeast Asia, grows in tropical regions with an annual rainfall of 2,500 mm. It also requires a period of dry heat during the growth period. Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Brazil are the main exporters of pepper .

Black pepper, green pepper, and white pepper are actually the same kind of pepper. Black pepper is harvested before the fresh fruit turns red; green pepper is freshly harvested and dried and frozen; white pepper is mature fruit without peel and dried. Its seeds contain volatile oil, pepper, crude fat, crude protein and so on. The berries are spherical, green at first, and red when ripe. After drying, the skin is wrinkled and turned black, which is called "black pepper"; if the peel of black pepper is removed, it is called "white pepper", which is generally used as a seasoning material.

東南アジア原産の開花つるのコショウ属は、年間降水量が2,500 mmの熱帯地域で育ちます。また、成長期には乾熱期が必要です。ペッパーの主な輸出国はインドネシア、インド、マレーシア、スリランカ、ブラジルです。 。
